What Is Your Northstar?

I've noticed something throughout 2023 that I wanted to point out.

Thanks to the success of TikTok and Instagram, a lot of folks in our field are constantly searching for that secret success formula. They want clients knocking down their doors and a smooth journey to the top. 

But let's be real here, being a freelance photographer is no walk in the park. It's getting tougher as time goes on. 

Yes, the demand is higher than ever, but so is the competition. It’s fierce with new talent flooding the scene. 

That's why it’s important to answer this question- What is your Northstar?

Now, you might be wondering, what in the world does that mean? 

Well, think of it as your guiding light, your ultimate driving force. 

It's the answer to the question: Why are you so passionate about photography in the first place? 

If money didn't come into the equation, would you love to pick up your camera every day?

It's that inner fire that will keep you going through the ups and downs of our industry. It's that special something that fuels your creativity and pushes you to keep growing, even when things get challenging.

Your north star will be there to light your way and remind you of your purpose when things get tough. 

So find out what it is, hold onto it tightly, and let it be your compass as you navigate this incredible journey.

Stay connected with me and get more insights, tips, and inspiration. Following me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok: @blackvisualqueen and Sign up for the Creative Lounge Newsletter. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your creative needs, reach out to me via email at blackvisualqueen@gmail.com


Harsh truth I wish I had known 16 years ago when I started my career.


Photography Is Dead