5 signs You Are Born to Be a Commercial Photographer

5 signs You Are Born to Be a Commercial Photographer

5. New technology is your playground.

Commercial photography is a step up in the tech game. It requires being a wizard with cameras, lenses, and editing software like Photoshop and Lightroom. 

4. You have an eagle eye.

Working with big brands takes immaculate attention to detail in setting up the perfect shots. It’s all about the little things. 

3. Working under pressure is your strength.

Deadlines, fat paychecks, and high stakes come with the territory. Maintaining your cool and solving problems on the fly is key. 

2. You love working in a team.

You won’t be flying solo. Working well with clients, models, and a creative team needs you to be good at communicating and collaborating. 

1. You think like a leader. 

For brands, it’s not all about the art. You’ve got to have a knack for business too — marketing, networking, keeping the books straight, all of this should be up your alley.

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How to hack your way into the top 1% of photographers (the lesser-known side of this glamorous career)


You cannot be everything to everyone.