How to hack your way into the top 1% of photographers (the lesser-known side of this glamorous career)

Hustle > Work Hard > Get Rejected > Repeat

Yes, it isn’t a hack.

It doesn’t exist.

A thriving career in this competitive field requires not only skill and creativity…

But also resilience, business acumen, and an unwavering commitment to one's craft.

Here's a closer look at the only 3 pillars you need to focus on.

1. Hustle: building your foundation

Here, hustling is about:

- Making connections

- Active Networking

- Building your portfolio

- Choosing an industry

- Finding your unique style 

This will set the groundwork for your career.

2. Hard Work: Perfecting your craft

With a strong foundation in place, next comes sharpening your skills and growing your business by:

- Delivering exceptional client work

- Adopting the latest techniques

- Keeping up with technology

- Continuous learning

- Foolproof contracts

- Marketing strategy

Having your own growth plan will always help you scale your business faster.

3. Rejection: Building resilience

Rejection is an inevitable part of the commercial photography journey, but it's also a valuable learning tool.

Use it as an opportunity to

- Seek constructive feedback. 

- Adjust your approach

- Redefine your niche

- Enhance marketing

- Practice persistence

The most successful photographers are those who believe "NO" is one step closer to the next "YES".

Stay connected with me and get more insights, tips, and inspiration. Following me on Instagram LinkedIn and TikTok: @blackvisualqueen and Sign up for the Creative Lounge Newsletter. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your creative needs, reach out to me via email at


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