Wisdom Tree

We all have a little bit of wisdom to share.

When I was starting out in my career, I didn't have a mentor—and it was rough. I had to learn by trial by fire, and that can be dangerous when you're trying to survive in a world where everyone is vying for the same job you are.

Mentorship is a beautiful thing. It's the act of helping someone else grow and learn, and it's something that can change your life in so many ways.

I believe that every single person has something to offer. We've all learned something from our experiences, whether it was through failing miserably or succeeding wildly. And when we share those lessons with others, we can help them avoid making the same mistakes we did!

But what holds us back from helping others?

It's hard to find the time when you're just trying to survive, but I promise—it's worth it! Helping others is one of the best ways to learn more about yourself, and the growth you'll experience will be exponential.

So how can you help? Here are some ideas:

1. Offer your expertise. If someone asks for your advice or input on something, take a minute and offer it. You might be surprised at how much they value what you have to say.

2. Offer feedback on their work. If someone sends you an email or text asking for feedback on something, take a minute and give it! You don't need to go into detail if that's not your thing—just let them know what stood out most about their work so far and give them some tips for improvement if necessary (or just let them know that it's great!).

3. Take them out for coffee or lunch! Nothing beats face-to-face interaction for building relationships with people who are going through what you're going through right now (or even people who have been there before).

If you are a photo creative looking for mentorship, reach out to me at blackvisualqueen@gmail.com.


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