Rejections. Yep, I said it. Rejections

It may feel disheartening to face rejection after rejection, but your breakthrough is coming.

I stumbled upon my passion for being a Photo Editor quite unexpectedly, through the doors of an internship opportunity.

As a newbie, I soon found myself facing rejection after rejection from various job applications. It appears the industry was determined to test my resolve. Yet, through it all, I refused to give up. 

I hustled with a side of Google to figure out how I needed to get where I wanted to go.

Instead of succumbing to self-doubt and frustration, I decided to turn the rejection into an opportunity to create my own path. I refused to let others determine my worth or the direction of my career.

I carved out a niche for myself, making my mark as the Black Visual Queen.

Let my story be a reminder that breakthrough comes to those who refuse to yield to rejection. Each "no" is simply a stepping stone to greatness. Embrace the process, learn from each setback, and allow it to fuel your passion. 

Your determination will be the driving force that propels you toward success.

Remember, rejection is merely a temporary setback on the path toward achieving your dreams. Embrace each rejection as an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve.

Stay inspired, stay motivated!

- Black Visual Queen

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