Diversity is not a trend.

The best piece of advice on diversity you’ll hear today: 

(60-second masterclass on how to stand out as a photographer)

Diversity is not a trend.

Or some little box to tick on your to-do list. 

It's bigger than that.

As a photographer, you have a remarkable gift: the ability to capture real moments and tell stories that truly connect with people. 

And with this power comes a responsibility…

Portray the world as it authentically is, bursting with variations in shapes, colors, and cultures.

I understand the allure of the easy choices—the ones that seem obvious. 

But let's be real, if you want your work to connect deeply with people, you need to break free from the usual suspects.

So, if you want to be a better photographer, do these 5 things:

5.  Immerse yourselves in books, movies, and conversations that challenge your own beliefs. 

4.  Open your mind to different voices and experiences. 

3.  Seek out those diverse stories, don't just wait for them to fall into your lap. 

2. Go to communities that are rarely represented and genuinely listen to their stories. 

1. Collaborate with diverse models, actors, and creatives who can bring an authentic voice to your projects.

Let's shift our perspective and stop treating diversity like a mere checkbox. 

Instead, embrace it as an essential and vibrant part of your creative process. 

Stay connected with me and get more insights, tips, and inspiration. Following me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok: @blackvisualqueen and Sign up for the Creative Lounge Newsletter. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your creative needs, reach out to me via email at blackvisualqueen@gmail.com


You cannot be everything to everyone.


7 facts that will accelerate your career as a photographer.