All top photographers you look up to had a slow phase in their careers.

But they all knew how to get out of it.

Here are 8 ways how:

Embrace the Slowdown

Use this time for self-improvement - study new editing techniques, experiment with different styles of photography, or get acquainted with a new camera lens.

Organize and Prepare

Organize your equipment, portfolio, or workspace. The more organized you are, the easier it is to bounce back when things pick up.

Upskill Yourself

Take an online course, read a photography book, or go through different tutorials. Investing time in expanding your skills and knowledge expands your creativity and inspires new ideas.

Challenge Yourself

Daily photo challenges spark your creativity and keep your skills sharp. This could be anything from a themed photo shoot, experimenting with a different photography genre, or mastering a tricky lighting technique.

Broaden your Horizons

Look for inspiration outside of photography - in nature, architecture, art, movies, and more. A refreshed perspective often provides a spark of creativity.

Create for Yourself

Take some time to photograph subjects and scenes that genuinely excite you, without the constraints of client demands or professional pressures.

Network and Collaborate

Connecting with other photographers or creatives in your field is hugely motivating. Share experiences, exchange ideas, explore collaboration possibilities, or organize friendly skill-building competitions.

Practice Self-Care

Lastly, remember to take care of your well-being. Exercise, meditate, and eat healthily. Getting enough rest and maintaining emotional health are key to keeping those creative juices flowing.

Every season serves a purpose. 

After all, what's rain without the promise of a stunning rainbow?

Stay connected with me and get more insights, tips, and inspiration. Following me on Instagram LinkedIn and TikTok: @blackvisualqueen and Sign up for the Creative Lounge Newsletter. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your creative needs, reach out to me via email at


5-step roadmap to start your photography career in 2024