Reputation (Black Visual Queen Version)

Hey photographers!

As we all know, your reputation means everything in the industry, and it can follow you around like a shadow - good or bad. So, it’s essential to make sure you’re always behaving professionally, whether you’re on set, in meetings, or just communicating with clients and colleagues.

Here are some tips to help you build a positive reputation and leave a lasting impression:


  1. Be reliable- If you set a timeline or deadline, make sure you stick to it. If you’re unprofessional with deadlines, clients may take their business elsewhere in the future.

  2. Be respectful- Treat everyone around you with respect, regardless of their role. Manners take very little effort but can make all the difference when building strong connections with clients and colleagues.

  3. Be inquisitive- Ask intelligent questions and show a genuine interest in your client’s needs. This will help you better understand their vision, and build a better relationship.

  4. Be prepared- Fail to plan, plan to fail. Prepare well in advance to ensure that you have everything you need for your job, from your equipment to backups and all props or clothing.

  5. Be yourself- Show off your personality, as clients will appreciate working with photographers who are easy to work with and put the team at ease.


  1. Don’t be late- Being on time is essential. If you’re late, it shows a lack of respect for other people's time, so always aim to arrive before the scheduled time.

  2. Don’t be unprofessional- Maintain a professional attitude and avoid anything that can be considered scandalous or unprofessional behavior.

  3. Don’t be uncommunicative- Keep the communication channels open with your clients and collaborators. Keep them informed regarding your progress, any setbacks, and how things are looking creatively.

  4. Don’t be dismissive- Listen actively and be collaborative. Being dismissive or judgmental of ideas can stifle the creative process.

  5. Don’t be negative- Negativity can kill morale and enthusiasm on a project. So, it's essential to maintain a positive attitude, even if the shoots take a turn for the worse.

Remember, the reputation you establish now sets the tone for your entire career. So, make sure you’re always putting 100% effort into your work and being the best photographer you can be.

Stay connected with me and get more insights, tips, and inspiration. Following me on Instagram: @blackvisualqueen. Sign up for the Creative Lounge Newsletter below. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your creative needs, reach out to me via email at


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